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marketing and promotion


Are Traditional Businesses Losing the Attention War to the Creator Economy?

Jul 21, 2024

Ever noticed how even a 1-minute video begs you to “WAIT FOR THE END!”? Yeah, our attention spans are that bad. It’s no joke — we lose focus faster than a goldfish! But while we’re all zoning out watching content all day, businesses are waking up to the fact that our attention is the hottest commodity. It’s the new gold rush, the holy grail behind the success of the whole creator economy.

While the attention economy and the creator economy go hand-in-hand, they aren’t interchangeable. The attention economy is the vast landscape where our focus is the prized possession, constantly sought after by brands and platforms. Within this landscape, the creator economy has emerged as a powerful force, threatening to disrupt the established order. But are traditional businesses truly losing the attention war to this rising tide of creators? Let’s dive deeper to find out >>

The Creator Earthquake: How Traditional Industries Are Shifting

The way we consume content and interact with brands is changing fast. It’s no longer just about big companies shouting at us through ads; it’s about connecting with real people who share our interests and passions. That’s the creator economy in a nutshell. These creators aren’t just entertainers, they’re entrepreneurs, teachers, experts, and friends, building communities and making the old giants lose their autonomy.

This shift in power from traditional brands to authentic voices is causing a ripple effect across industries. As consumers increasingly turn to creators for recommendations and inspiration, are businesses that rely on old-school advertising scrambling to keep up?

Here’s how creators are disrupting the status quo:

Media & Entertainment:

  • Challenging the gatekeepers: Creators bypass traditional media outlets and build their own audiences on platforms like YouTube and Instagram, giving them unprecedented control over their content and revenue streams.

  • Shifting the narrative: Citizen journalism and independent content creators are offering diverse perspectives and challenging the narratives of mainstream media.

Here’s a must-read: The Rise of Journo-Influencers and the Future of Media Relations

Marketing & Advertising:

  • From billboards to feeds: Traditional advertising is losing its effectiveness as consumers tune out generic ads and seek authentic recommendations from trusted creators.

  • Authenticity is the new currency: Consumers crave genuine connections with brands, and influencers are uniquely positioned to foster those relationships through relatable storytelling and product reviews.

  • The long tail of influence: Micro-influencers with smaller but highly engaged audiences are proving to be more effective than mega-influencers for many old-school brands, offering a cost-effective way to reach niche markets.

Education & Personal Development:

  • The rise of the edu-preneur: Subject matter experts and passionate educators are creating online courses and tutorials that rival traditional institutions, offering flexibility, affordability, and personalized learning experiences.

  • Health & Wellness Gurus: Influencers are sharing fitness tips, nutrition advice, and mental health resources, sometimes challenging the authority of traditional healthcare providers.

  • Financial Gurus: There’s a huge rise in Finfluencers in India. Financial influencers are democratizing investment knowledge and advice, empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures.

Retail & E-commerce:

  • Unboxing as entertainment: The unboxing phenomenon has turned product reveals into engaging content, blurring the lines between entertainment and advertising.

  • Shoppable content: Platforms like Instagram, Youtube and TikTok are making it easier than ever for consumers to purchase products directly from creators’ posts, bypassing traditional retail channels.

The Old Guard Adapts

Legacy brands aren’t just sitting back with their arms crossed. These businesses, some older than the internet itself, have realized that the creator economy isn’t a fad — it’s the future. 🔥

They’ve wisely chosen to collaborate instead of compete. To stay relevant and keep those sales rolling in, these big brands are jumping headfirst into the attention-led creator economy, partnering with influencers to connect with a new generation of consumers.

Here are a few excellent examples of how they have embraced the new normal:

  • Stanley Cups: This 110-year-old brand, known for its durable thermoses and coolers, exploded on TikTok thanks to influencers showcasing their “Stanley cups” in everyday life. This unexpected viral success skyrocketed their sales from $75 million to a whopping $750 million in just one year.

  • McDonald’s India: McDonald’s India partnered with ‘GujjuBen’ (also known as ‘Baa’) from MasterChef India to showcase their Jain-friendly menu. This menu is part of the brand’s broader ‘EatQual’ initiative, aimed at promoting inclusiveness and providing diverse food choices for everyone.

  • Daniel Wellington: This watch brand was an early adopter of influencer marketing, recognizing the power of working with smaller creators with dedicated followings. Their strategy of gifting watches in exchange for posts and personalized discount codes proved immensely successful. In just 3 short years the brand was able to sell $228M in watches, or 1 million watches!

  • CaratLane by Tanishq: Jewels of the Creator Economy: This jewellery brand has partnered with popular influencers on Instagram and YouTube to create authentic and engaging content showcasing their products. Recently, it also collaborated with Nancy Tyagi — the DIY fashion queen to tap into a new generation of jewellery buyers.

These examples show that the creator economy isn’t just about disrupting traditional industries — it’s also about providing opportunities for established brands to innovate and reach new heights. While these success stories demonstrate the potential for legacy brands to thrive in the creator economy, navigating this new landscape requires a fresh approach and a willingness to adapt. Let’s delve into some key strategies for brands to successfully engage in this evolving ecosystem.

Navigating the Creator Economy As A Traditional Business Model

  • Don’t Be a Dinosaur, Be a Collaborator: Resist the urge to compete with creators. Instead, partner with them. Find influencers who resonate with your brand values and tap into their creativity.

  • Authenticity is Your Ace: Consumers crave genuine connections. Ditch the polished facade and build trust through transparent, relatable storytelling.

  • Build Tribes, Not Just Transactions: Successful creators cultivate thriving communities. Foster that same sense of belonging with your audience.

  • Embrace the Flux: The digital world moves fast. Be adaptable, experiment, and don’t be afraid to try new tactics.


So, coming back to the question: Are traditional businesses losing the attention war to the creator economy? The answer is nuanced but increasingly evident. The landscape of influence is shifting, and those who fail to recognize this risk are being left behind.

Authenticity is the new currency, and creators are minting it by the truckload. Their ability to forge genuine connections, build trust, and speak directly to consumers’ passions is an invaluable asset in today’s cluttered media landscape. Traditional businesses, burdened by legacy structures and cautious marketing strategies, often struggle to compete in this arena. But the creator economy isn’t just a threat; it’s an invitation to innovate. By embracing collaboration, fostering authenticity, and building communities, traditional businesses can not only survive but thrive in this new era. The time to act is now because in the attention economy, those who hesitate are lost.

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Until then, if you’re a creator looking to launch your own brand and want to focus on creating incredible content while leaving the technical work to experts — we’re the perfect partner for you. At MarkupX Brands our mission is simple: to revolutionize the creator economy by empowering you with the team and support you need to grow your brand and build a thriving business. 💌 MARKUPX BRANDS

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