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marketing and promotion


Creating The Online Store: Convert Browsers to Buyers

Aug 9, 2024

Hey creators! Welcome back to our “Creator to CEO” series. We’ve covered a lot of ground already — finding your niche, building your brand, and even developing your very own product. 🎉 But now, it’s time to give that amazing product a home where it can shine: your online store!

Your online store is the place where your audience will discover your brand, fall in love with your products, and (hopefully!) hit that “Buy Now” button. It’s the heart of your creator-led D2C business, and it deserves to be just as awesome as you are. After all, a whopping 74% of consumers say that a personalized shopping experience influences their purchasing decisions.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps of creating an online store that’s not just functional, but also fun, engaging, and reflective of your unique brand personality >>

Choosing Your E-commerce Platform

Choosing the right e-commerce platform is like picking the perfect foundation for your house. It needs to be sturdy, reliable, and able to support all your future growth.

How To Choose The Right E-Commerce Platform For Your Online Business?

There are two main types of e-commerce platforms:

  • Hosted platforms: These are all-in-one solutions like Shopify or Squarespace. They handle everything from hosting and security to payment processing and marketing tools. If you choose this, you’ll be renting a fully furnished apartment — everything you need is already there, ready to go.

  • Self-hosted platforms: These are more customizable platforms like WooCommerce (which runs on WordPress). You’ll have more control over the look and feel of your store, but you’ll also be responsible for managing things like hosting and security. It’s like you own the property, so you have complete freedom to renovate, decorate, and customize it to your liking. But, you’re also responsible for all the maintenance and upkeep.

So, which one is right for you? Well, it depends on your budget, technical skills, and the level of customization you need.

Popular Platform Recommendations for Creators:

Here are a few popular e-commerce platforms that are well-suited for creator-led D2C brands:

  • Shopify: This is a great option for beginners, as it’s user-friendly and offers a wide range of features and apps. Shopify serves over 700 million buyers in 2024, contributing $319 billion to global e-commerce.

  • Squarespace: This platform is known for its beautiful templates and easy-to-use design tools. Around 2.96 million live websites use Squarespace, according to BuiltWith.

  • WooCommerce: WooCommerce powers 28.19% of all online stores. This is a great option if you want more control over your store’s design and functionality.


The Creator’s Choice:

Some platforms offer features specifically designed for creators, such as:

  • Social media integrations: 53% of users shop directly through social media. Easily connect your store to your social media accounts to drive traffic and sales.

  • Content marketing tools: 82% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing. Create and share blog posts, videos, and other content to engage your audience.

  • Built-in email marketing: Over 70% of consumers say that they can rank email marketing in the top three among all marketing and advertising systems. Send targeted emails to your customers to promote your products and build relationships.

Remember, your e-commerce platform is the backbone of your online store. So choose wisely, and you’ll be well on your way to D2C success.

Designing Your Store

Your online store is your digital home, so you want it to be warm, welcoming, and oh-so-stylish. But beyond looks, it needs to function seamlessly. Make sure your store is easy to navigate and that your products are easy to find.

User Experience (UX) First:

Creating a smooth, enjoyable shopping experience should be your top priority. A clunky, confusing website will send your potential customers running for the hills (or more likely, to your competitor’s site!). Up to 75% of users trust a visually appealing website.


Why Does UX Matter for E-commerce? Is the perfect read to get in-depth insight on this.

Website Essentials

While every store is unique, there are a few essential pages that every D2C website needs:

  • Homepage: This is your first impression, so make it count! Highlight your brand story, showcase your best-selling products, and make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

  • Product Pages: Think of these as your product’s resume. Each product should have its own page with clear descriptions, high-quality images, and customer reviews.

And many more!

For a more in-depth look at website essentials, check out a comprehensive guide here: Ecommerce Website Essentials: Does Your Site Have All 11?

Mobile Responsiveness: Shopping on the Go

Did you know that over 50% of online shopping is done on mobile devices? That’s a lot of potential customers scrolling through your store on their phones! Make sure your website is optimized for mobile so your customers can shop anytime, anywhere.


Product Photography and Visuals:

In the world of online shopping, a picture isn’t just worth a thousand words, it’s worth a thousand sales! High-quality product photos are crucial for capturing your audience’s attention and making your products irresistible. In fact, 75% of online shoppers say that product photos are “very influential” in their purchasing decisions.

So, how do you make your product photos stand out?

  • Lighting: Use natural light whenever possible to avoid harsh shadows and create a soft, even glow.

  • Composition: Experiment with different angles and arrangements. Consider the rule of thirds to create visually balanced and appealing photos.

  • Editing: A little touch-up can go a long way. Adjust brightness, contrast, and sharpness, but keep it natural.


Don’t forget about lifestyle photos and videos! Show your products in action and help your customers envision how they would use them in their own lives. This could mean models wearing your clothing, your skincare products in a bathroom setting, or your home goods styled in a real living space.

Remember, high-quality visuals are an investment in your brand. They not only attract customers but also build trust and credibility. For more tips and tricks, check out our detailed guide on product photography and video for creator brands: Product Photography: Its Impact on Ecommerce Growth

Optimizing for Conversions

So, you’ve got a beautiful store and stunning product photos. But now comes the real test: turning those curious visitors into paying customers. This is where conversion optimization comes in — making sure your store is set up to encourage sales and make the checkout process a breeze.

Remember, every little detail counts! In fact, reducing the number of form fields in your checkout process can increase conversions by up to 160%!

Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Payment Options: Give your customers the flexibility to pay the way they want. Accept major credit cards, digital wallets like PhonePe, Paytm and Google Pay, and even consider offering “buy now, pay later” options like Pay Later and Simpl. Research shows that offering multiple payment options can increase conversions by up to 30%!

  • Security: Your customers need to feel confident that their personal and financial information is safe. Display trust badges and security seals on your website, and make sure your checkout process is encrypted. Remember, 18% of shoppers abandon their carts because they don’t trust the site with their credit card information.

  • Upselling and Cross-Selling: Suggest additional items that complement what your customer is already buying. For example, if they’re buying a camera, suggest a camera bag or a tripod. Done right, upselling and cross-selling can significantly boost your average order value.

  • Email Marketing: Your email list is your golden ticket to building lasting relationships with your customers. Offer an incentive for people to sign up (like a discount code or exclusive content), and then use email to nurture those relationships with personalized messages, product recommendations, and special offers. Remember, it costs 5 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one!

So there you have it, creators! Building your online store is a journey of creativity, strategy, and a little bit of tech-savvy. But remember, it’s your store. Infuse it with your personality, your passion, and your brand’s unique story. Building your online store is just one step on your Creator to CEO journey. But it’s a crucial one. Your store is where your audience will connect with your products, your brand, and ultimately, you. So take the time to build it right, and watch your D2C dreams come to life.

Stay tuned for the next and last chapter in our series, where we’ll dive into the exciting world of marketing and driving traffic to your brand-new online store!

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Until then, if you’re a creator looking to launch your own brand and want to focus on creating incredible content while leaving the technical work to experts — we’re the perfect partner for you. At MarkupX Brands our mission is simple: to revolutionize the creator economy by empowering you with the team and support you need to grow your brand and build a thriving business. 💌 MARKUPX BRANDS

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