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marketing and promotion


Developing The Product: The Product Launch Checklist for Creators

Aug 5, 2024

Hey creators! Welcome back to our “Creator to CEO” series. In our previous posts, we talked about finding your niche and building a brand that people love. Now, it’s time for the really exciting part: turning your amazing idea into a real-life product that your audience can’t wait to get their hands on.

But before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let’s set the stage. Did you know that 34% of small businesses fail because their products just don’t fit the market? And another 9% bite the dust because their products aren’t user-friendly? That’s a lot of missed opportunities! But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through the product development process so you can beat the odds and create something truly special.

From Dream to Done

So, what does this journey look like? Well, it’s kinda like baking a cake. You start with a recipe (your idea), gather your ingredients (materials and resources), mix everything together (design and production), and finally, present your masterpiece to the world (launch!). But unlike baking a cake, product development is rarely a linear process. There are twists and turns, taste tests and adjustments along the way. But that’s part of the fun!

So, roll up your sleeves and let’s dive into the exciting world of product development. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a clear roadmap to take your product from concept to reality >>

From Concept to Prototype: Building Your Product’s First Draft

This phase is like sketching out the blueprint for your dream house. You’re refining your vision, figuring out the layout, and making sure everything fits together perfectly.

Idea Refinement

Remember, you’re not just creating a product for yourself. You’re creating it for your audience. So, before you get too attached to any particular design or feature, take a step back and ask yourself:

  • Does this product solve a real problem for my audience?

  • Does it align with my brand values and aesthetic?

  • Is it something that people will actually want to buy?

To answer these questions, talk to your audience! Ask for feedback, run polls, or even create a focus group. The more you understand your audience’s needs and desires, the better equipped you’ll be to create a product that they’ll love.

Sourcing and Sampling: Finding the Right Ingredients

Once you have a clearer vision for your product, it’s time to start turning those ideas into something tangible. This might involve finding the right manufacturers, sourcing materials, or even collaborating with designers. Remember, it’s important to prioritize quality and make sure your product aligns with your brand’s values and aesthetic. Don’t be afraid to ask for samples and compare prices to ensure you’re getting the best possible outcome.

The goal is to create a prototype or sample that you can use to test your product in the real world and gather feedback from your audience. In fact Arbitron and Edison Media Research’s “Product Sampling Study” found that 35% of consumers trying a sample would buy the sampled product on the same shopping trip. This is your chance to refine your design, make any necessary tweaks, and ensure that your product is truly ready for launch.


Here are 2 perfect reads on it : 5 product-sourcing best practices and Product Sourcing In 2024

Creating Your MVP: Your Product’s “Test Run”

Remember we talked about “failing fast” in our last blog post? Well, this is where that comes into play. Before you invest a ton of money in manufacturing a full-scale product, it’s smart to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This is a basic version of your product with just the core features. It’s like a test run, a way to get your product in front of your audience and gather feedback before you go all-in.

Here are a few examples -

  • Kylie Cosmetics: Kylie Jenner first launched her lip kits as a limited-edition collection. This allowed her to test the market and see if there was demand for her products before investing in a full line.

  • Allbirds: The sustainable shoe brand started by selling their wool runners through a Kickstarter campaign. This allowed them to validate their idea and raise funds before mass-producing their shoes.

  • MVMT Watches: The watch company initially sold their products directly to consumers through their website, bypassing traditional retail channels. This allowed them to build a loyal following and gather valuable feedback before expanding into stores.

As a creator, you have a unique advantage in the product development process. You have a built-in community of fans who are eager to support you and your creations.

  • Tap into their expertise: Ask your followers for their opinions, ideas, and feedback.

  • Involve them in the process: Consider creating a “beta testing” group or offering early access to your product in exchange for feedback.


By involving your audience in the product development process, you’ll not only create a product that they’re more likely to love, but you’ll also build excitement and anticipation for its launch. It’s a win-win!

Manufacturing and Production:

As a creator, your product is an extension of your creativity and passion. Finding the right manufacturing partner is like finding a dance partner — you need someone who understands your vision and can help you bring it to life. Look for partners who value quality, share your brand’s ethos, and can scale alongside your growing business.

Don’t underestimate the power of packaging and labeling. 94% of consumers are more likely to be loyal to a brand that offers transparency, including clear and accurate product labeling. Choose materials that reflect your brand’s values and design packaging that makes your customers feel excited to unbox your creation.


Ready to find your perfect manufacturing match? Check out this very insightful guide to learn more about partnering with the right manufacturers and creating packaging that wows.

Pricing and Profitability: Turning Passion into Paychecks

Pricing your products can feel like a guessing game, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by understanding your costs — not just the cost of making your product, but also marketing, shipping, and other expenses. Once you know your numbers, you can experiment with different pricing strategies to see what works best for your brand.

Remember, as a creator, you have a unique advantage. Your audience already knows and trusts you. This means you might be able to charge a premium for your products compared to traditional brands. But, don’t get greedy — balance profitability with fairness to keep your community happy.


Want to master the art of pricing? Dive into our in-depth guide to learn how to set prices that are both profitable and appealing to your audience.

Launch and Beyond

Alright, the moment of truth is here: it’s time to launch your product into the world! A successful launch is more than just hitting that “publish” button. It’s about building anticipation, creating a buzz, and making sure your product lands with a bang.

Building Anticipation

  • Tease it out: Drop hints on social media, share sneak peeks, and create a countdown.

  • Involve your community: Ask for their input on product names, colors, or even packaging designs. This not only builds excitement but also makes them feel invested in your success.

  • Collaborate with other creators: Team up with other creators in your niche to cross-promote and reach a wider audience.

Launch Strategies: Finding Your Perfect Fit

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to launching a product. Here are a few popular strategies to consider:

  • Pre-orders: This lets you gauge demand and secure funding before you even start production. It’s a great way to validate your idea and build hype.

  • Limited-edition releases: Creating a sense of scarcity can drive demand and make your product feel more exclusive.

  • Exclusive drops: Giving early access to your most loyal fans or email subscribers can make them feel special and appreciated.

The best launch strategy for you will depend on your brand, your product, and your audience. Experiment and see what works best!

Gathering Feedback and Iterating

Remember, launching your product isn’t the end of the road. It’s just the beginning. Now it’s time to listen to your customers and learn from their feedback. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews, send out surveys, or even have one-on-one conversations with your customers.


Use their feedback to improve your product, your marketing, and your overall brand experience. Remember, the most successful brands are always evolving and improving. Your first product might not be perfect, but with each iteration, you’ll get closer and closer to creating something truly amazing.

And that, my friends, is the beauty of being a creator-led D2C brand. Launching a product is a huge accomplishment, so take a moment to celebrate your hard work! But don’t rest on your laurels — the journey has just begun. Keep listening to your audience, keep innovating, and keep building your D2C empire.

Stay tuned for the next blog in our “Creator to CEO” series, where we’ll dive into the exciting world of marketing your product and getting it in front of the right people. Get ready to make some noise!

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Until then, if you’re a creator looking to launch your own brand and want to focus on creating incredible content while leaving the technical work to experts — we’re the perfect partner for you. At MarkupX Brands our mission is simple: to revolutionize the creator economy by empowering you with the team and support you need to grow your brand and build a thriving business. 💌 MARKUPX BRANDS

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