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marketing and promotion


Lights, Camera, Conversions! How Video Commerce is Shaping Consumers

Aug 16, 2024

Did you know? People spend a whopping 100 minutes every single day watching videos online! And guess what? A big chunk of that time will be spent watching videos about stuff they want to buy! 🤯

It’s official: video commerce is so much more than some fad — it’s the future of shopping. It’s changing the game, turning the way we find, fall in love with, and buy products upside down.

In this blog, we’re diving deep into how video is shaking up the shopping world. We’ll look at:

  • Why videos are way more fun than just reading product descriptions

  • How videos can make you trust a brand (or a creator!) more

  • The sneaky ways videos make you wanna buy stuff right now

  • How creators and businesses can use videos to rake in those sales

Get ready to learn how you can ride this video wave and boost your business! 🏄♀️

🍿 The Rise of “Shoppertainment”

Boring product pages and endless scrolling will soon become a thing of the past! These days, shoppers want shopping to be fun. It’s not enough to just tell them about a product — they want to be entertained too.

That’s where video swoops in to save the day! 🦸♂️

  • Videos do it all: These mini-movies show you how cool a product is, make you laugh, and teach you something new, all at the same time.

  • The craze of unboxing videos: Shoppers get to see it up close, hear those real first impressions, and decide if it’s worth the hype.

  • All about the feels: We don’t just buy things because we need them, we buy them because they make us feel something. Videos tap into those emotions, making us crave that new gadget, outfit, or experience.


What’s in it for creators and businesses?

  • Creators: Imagine teaming up with your favorite brands to make videos that are uniquely you. You can show off products in your own style, making them even more appealing to your followers.

  • D2C brands: Videos are your chance to tell your story and show off your personality. People connect with people, not just products. Let your customers get to know the faces behind your brand!

Fun fact: Live shopping events, where you can buy stuff while watching a video in real-time, are huge in China. They’re predicted to be worth over half a trillion dollars there soon. 🤑 That shows just how powerful video can be when it comes to selling stuff.

Intrigued by China’s video commerce numbers? Here’s one of our recent read on it : Lights, Likes, and a Lakh Crore — How India Can Adopt China’s Video Commerce Success

👍 Building Trust & Authenticity

Think about it: Would you rather buy something from a faceless website or from a brand that feels like a friend? 🤝 Videos help you build that connection and turn hesitant browsers into loyal customers.

Videos to the rescue! 🦸♀️

  • Real talk: A whopping 90% of people say videos help them make buying decisions. That’s because videos cut through the online shopping BS.

  • Highlights the “try before you buy” aspect: Those product descriptions might sound amazing, but a video gives you that virtual ‘try before you buy’ experience. More like having a personal shopper show you how it works and helps you decide if it’s a good fit for you.

  • No more “what the heck did I just buy?” moments: We’ve all been there — that online order arrives, and it looks nothing like the picture. Videos show you the real deal, so you know exactly what you’re getting.

  • Trust is everything: Think about it: Would you rather trust a random website or someone you actually connect with? When you see someone you admire using and loving a product, it’s way more convincing.


How can creators and businesses use this to their advantage?

  • Creators: Your authentic recommendations can open doors to lucrative partnerships. Brands are always on the lookout for creators who can connect with their target audience. Showcase a product you love, and you might land a sponsorship deal or long-term collaboration.

  • D2C brands: Let your happy customers do the talking! Customer testimonials and reviews are super powerful. Plus, give people a peek behind the scenes — show them how your products are made, or introduce the team. The more transparent you are, the more people will trust you.

🛍️ Driving Impulsive Purchases

It has happened to all of us. Scrolling past a drool-worthy food video and suddenly craving a midnight snack! Or seen someone rocking a killer outfit and thought, “OMG, I gotta have that!”? Turns out, 89% of consumers confirm they want to see more videos from brands.

That’s the magic of video at work. ✨

  • Eye candy is powerful: Videos make things look so good, they practically jump off the screen and into your shopping cart!

  • Instant gratification: It’s way easier to click “buy now” when you’re feeling excited and inspired by a video, rather than just reading a boring description.

  • FOMO is real: Live shopping events, where you can snag deals in real-time, create that “gotta have it now” feeling. Nobody wants to miss out!


How can creators and businesses cash in on this?

  • Creators: Your energy and passion are contagious! When you’re genuinely excited about a product, your viewers will feel it too. And that excitement can translate into sales. Cha-ching! 💰

  • D2C brands: Live streams are your secret weapon. Offer flash sales, limited-edition products, or exclusive discounts during your broadcasts to create a sense of urgency.

Remember: People buy with their hearts first, then justify it with their heads. Videos are the perfect way to tap into those emotions and drive those impulse buys.

🚀 Expanding Beyond Social Media

Social media is a great starting point, but the true potential of video commerce lies in creating immersive shopping experiences that go beyond the scroll. Let’s break down how creators and D2C businesses can leverage this:

For Creators: Turning Views into Va-va-voom Sales

  • Shoppable videos are your new BFF: Embed those “buy now” buttons right into your content, turning your videos into virtual storefronts. No more losing potential customers as they navigate away to find the product!

  • Become the ultimate trendsetter: Your audience looks to you for inspiration. When you showcase unique products or styling tips, you’re doing more than just creating content, you’re driving demand and setting trends. This opens doors to collaborations, sponsorships, and even your own product lines.

  • Interactive experiences = engaged audience: Quizzes, polls, and AR filters aren’t just fun gimmicks, they keep your viewers hooked and create a sense of community. The more they interact, the more likely they are to remember you and the products you feature.

For D2C Businesses: Own Your Customer Journey

  • Seamless shopping on your turf: Integrate video commerce directly into your website and app. This keeps customers on your platform, reducing distractions and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

  • Personalization is key: Use data and interactive elements to tailor the shopping experience to each individual. The more relevant the recommendations, the higher the chance of a sale.

  • Build a loyal community: Behind-the-scenes videos, live Q&As, and exclusive content create a sense of belonging and turn customers into brand advocates.


Video commerce is not limited to selling products, it’s about building relationships and creating experiences that keep customers coming back for more. By expanding beyond social media and embracing innovation, creators and D2C businesses can unlock a world of possibilities.

For creators, the video presents a golden opportunity to boost their income, expand their reach, and establish themselves as trendsetters. It’s time to unleash their creativity and captivate the world. For D2C businesses, video offers a way to stand out, foster relationships with their customers, and create a shopping experience that is both enjoyable and effective.

The message is clear: those who fail to harness the power of video risk missing out on significant opportunities. So, it’s time to grab that camera, hit record, and ride the wave of video commerce to success!

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Until then, if you’re a creator looking to launch your own brand and want to focus on creating incredible content while leaving the technical work to experts — we’re the perfect partner for you. At MarkupX Brands our mission is simple: to revolutionize the creator economy by empowering you with the team and support you need to grow your brand and build a thriving business. 💌 MARKUPX BRANDS

More? Here are our previous posted interesting reads ㅡ

Here are our previous reads from our series “𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗘𝗢: 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗨𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗗𝟮𝗖 𝗘𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲” ㅡ

Do have a look at these interesting reads ㅡ

And, some insightful podcasts ㅡ

From inspiring success stories to practical guides, we’ve got everything you need to jumpstart your D2C journey. Happy building! 💌

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